

1. 啊!小羊羔,多么可爱的小羊羔!看了,也眯起眼睛,高兴得笑了。 2. 我看见有人喂小羊嫩叶吃,小羊吃得津津有味。于是我也拿来了一把嫩叶递给小羊。小白羊见了嫩叶抬起头,张开嘴就要吃。 3. 羊儿吃草时的悠闲使我的心情更加畅快,开始羡慕它们的悠然自得,希望自己也和它们一样自由,无拘束。 4. 草原上羊群像流水般涌动着,又像云朵般一样飘拂着。 5. 翠色欲流的草原上星星点点般开着多多“小白花”,哦,原来那是羊群在吃草呢。 6. 羊吃饱了草,表哥就把它牵回来,拴在门前的树荫下。这时,羊就躺在树荫下“翻草”。 7. 羊吃草的时候,总是把小嘴巴贴在草上,鼻翼不停地扇动。 8. 一大群羊儿,活蹦乱跳,调

《放牧天空》在线观看地址:/yscontent/42575.html 欢迎把《放牧天空》网址分享给身边的影视爱好者谢谢! ,电影放牧天空讲述:  An intimate look at the lives of modern circus performers in and out of Cirque Du Soleil. The film follows the stories of several different performers and gives viewers an unprecedented look into their lives and art. A testament to the human spirit and the power of following your dreams it is also and homage to the grace and power of artists who use their bodies as their instru...

放牧天空是由Horacio Alcala执导、Antonio Segura,Max La Bella,Damian Istria等领衔主演的纪录,在2013上映播出,中动影视提供了放牧天空在线观看,并且还可以支持手机看,不需要下载播放器,方便广大影迷。